
Belgian Meat Office is your first port of call when getting in touch with the Belgian pork and beef export companies. The meat export office was founded in 2003 under the umbrella of the VLAM, Flanders’ Agricultural Marketing Board, and it coordinates the promotion of pork and beef export. On the one hand by offering export support and on the other through B2B promotion.

Export support

Belgian Meat Office strives to offer Belgian suppliers support for their export activities. This is achieved in 4 ways:

  • Market information: collecting and communicating it to the members.
  • Back office: functions as a platform for resolving bottlenecks in export matters.
  • Advice
  • Crisis communication: In case of a crisis in the meat sector, Belgian Meat Office will inform both the trade, press, foreign governments and Flemish companies in a structured fashion.

Business-to-business promotion

Foreign promotion focusses only on trade and the trade press. This business-to-business approach results in a whole range of action and campaigns that are conducted on the various target markets, namely:

  • Trade press campaign: image-supporting advertising campaign in European and Asian trade press – both on and offline.
  • Communication campaign: website, brochures, newsletters, social media.
  • Prospection activities: participation in congresses and trade fairs, organisation of contact days, etc.
  • Public relations: organisation and reception of delegations of journalists, governments and companies.


Members of various farmers’ organisations (ABS and Boerenbond), but also Febev (Federation of Belgian Meat) and the CEOs of the main pork and beef companies form a steering committee that decides on the strategy and activities of Belgian Meat Office. In addition, Belgian Meat Office has the following staff:

VLAM vzw - Belgian Meat Office
Simon Bolivarlaan 17, box 411
1000 Brussels
BE 0454 423 323